Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Union’

Know the Signs of a Struggling Cooling System

Monday, August 26th, 2019

top-view-of-air-conditioning-outdoor-unitSummer is progressing right along, and you’ve likely been using your air conditioner on a daily basis as a result. The last thing you need, then, is a sudden and unexpected breakdown and repair call when temperatures are at their highest.

The good news here is that most cooling system repair needs give out signs and symptoms well before the air conditioner actually breaks down. While you shouldn’t attempt to formally diagnose or even repair a faulty air conditioner yourself since they include potentially harmful components such as refrigerant—which requires formal training and licensing to safely handle—you can still spot these signs that you’re in need of AC repairs. So, what are the most common indicators?

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Store-Bought Drain Cleaning Solutions Cost More Than You Think

Monday, July 15th, 2019

animated-drain-with-arrows-showing-direction-of-water-flow“Wait, what?” you might be wondering. Store-bought chemical drain cleaners cost nothing at all! That’s why you buy them in the first place—they’re affordable and easy solutions to drain clogs, right?

Well, sure… but we’re talking about a different kind of cost. The cost of using these cheap alternatives to professional drain cleaning is much higher than you might realize, by way of plumbing repairs and potentially even whole-home repiping if you use them for too long.

Did this get your attention? Read on!

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Why we Think You Should Consider Going Ductless

Monday, May 6th, 2019

hand-with-remote-turning-on-ductless-air-handlerIf you’re in the market for a new air conditioner this coming summer—or if you’ve decided to finally replace that furnace system that gave you trouble all winter long—you probably want something that will offer you efficiency and affordability, right? Well, do we have a suggestion for you! For year-round comfort, we recommend the ductless system—among the most efficient of all residential HVAC options.

You may have seen us mention the benefits of ductless cooling and heating before on our blog. What we really want to talk about here is the economic benefits of going ductless. The truth is, we could go on all day about how efficient ductless systems are, but we also want to let you know why they’re so efficient, and what that efficiency means for your wallet.

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How Can Video Pipe Inspection Save Your Sewer Lines?

Monday, April 8th, 2019

plumber-looking-at-screen-using-video-pipe-inspectionLet’s talk about your sewer lines. This is one of the most important parts of modern plumbing, and yet not a lot of homeowners think about it very much. We wouldn’t really expect you to, to be honest. However, never thinking about your sewer lines put you at risk of problems you may never think about either.

There’s a part of routine plumbing maintenance that’s become more popular in recent years, and that is video pipe inspection. Video pipe inspection involves the use of a video camera to inspect your pipes, and then we take the appropriate measures afterward to determine what can be done to resolve any problems we may find. Ultimately, a professional video pipe inspection could save your sewer lines, and save you a major headache. But how?

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Heater Trouble: When to Repair and When to Replace

Monday, March 25th, 2019

white question mark on blue backgroundAre you worried about your heater breaking down? Perhaps it’s aging, and you’ve noticed a few distressing signs. It’s important to know the signs that something is amiss with your heating system, so you’re not all of the sudden stuck with a completely broken down system when you need it the most.

True, it’s spring now, and temperatures are warming. But we’d like you to get the most effective use from your heater as you can for the rest of the season, not to mention we don’t want you to be stuck with a completely malfunctioning heater next fall when you need it. Keep reading to learn the signs that you may have a heater in need of repair, or in some cases in need of replacement.

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Are You Ready for Some Spring Cleaning?

Monday, March 25th, 2019

sprinkler-spraying-water-on-lawnSpringtime is officially here. It may still be cool for now, but soon enough, you’ll want to prep your home for warmer temps, spring allergies, and springtime weather.

A properly maintained air conditioner and the right indoor air quality systems will ensure you’re prepared to keep comfortable, but what about that weather? Warmer temps and rainy days call for two very important springtime tasks:

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Why You Should Only Trust a Pro for Your Drain Cleaning Needs

Monday, March 11th, 2019

plumber-using-drain-snakeDrain clogs are one of those unfortunate things that just about every homeowner has to deal with at some point. But they are also one of those drain issues that most people deal with incorrectly. When a drain clog forms in the average home, it is instinct to reach for some type of store-bought drain cleaning solution to manage the problem. This is actually not a great way to deal with it, which we’ll get into more below.

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4 Ways to Save Money on Your Heating Bills

Monday, February 25th, 2019

design-with-money-symbols-coming-out-of-chimneyWe’d venture to guess that as a homeowner in New Jersey, you’d like to whatever you can in order to save money on your energy bills. And there is one appliance in particular that contributes heavily to these bills—your heating system.

Fortunately, there are some pretty simple steps you can take that will ensure your heater is operating as efficiently as possible, and even boost your heater’s efficiency. There’s no reason to sacrifice your comfort just to save a few bucks. You can instead follow the tips below, save even more money, and keep you and your family comfy.

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“Can My Heating Repair Needs Wait?”

Monday, February 11th, 2019

Stagnant-heating-vent-on-wall-near-floorWith nighttime temperatures traditionally hovering no higher than 39° at least through April, the short answer to this question is, “no.” If you do suspect or know that you have heating repair needs, you may be tempted to use your heater less and less, and be ready to just shut it off when the heating season ends so you don’t have to deal with it, but this can be a mistake.

Ignoring any sort of heating system issues can cause it to progress into a much bigger problem, leaving you with a broken down heater next year when you need it, or even before winter weather ends this year. But how do you know if you have heater problems that need managing, unless you’ve been told by a pro that you do? Read on to learn some of the common signs of a heating repair need.

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Beware This Common Boiler Threat

Monday, January 14th, 2019

Industrial boiler gas regulation and metering moduleThere may have been some point during your homeownership when you were told that your boiler is being impacted by scaling. Maybe you’re unsure of whether to take this problem seriously or not. We’re here to tell you that yes, you should. Scaling in boilers is actually really common, and also really serious. It’s caused by high levels of minerals in the water—namely, calcium and magnesium—that get left behind in the boiler tank and tubes. This can lead to a reduction in heat as well as a loud banging noise in some instances.

You may be wondering how this is dangerous for your boiler. Well, a boiler that’s suffering from scaling is in danger of breaking down entirely and/or leaking water into your home. Both of these would require prompt boiler services in Union, NJ. But we’d like to help you avoid this issue to begin with, if possible.

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