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Keep Your Lawn Green This Summer: Here’s How

sprinkler-systemDid you know that even the smallest leak can lead to gallons of wasted water each year? Not only is this environmentally-unfriendly, but it means you’re paying for water that you’re not even benefiting from. One culprit of water leaks is lawn faucets, otherwise known as outdoor faucets. And unfortunately, the annoying side effect of this is a patchy or brown lawn, since lawn faucets and sprinklers can’t do their job if they’re leaking!

What causes these leaks? Oftentimes it’s leftover damage from winter–your pipes may have froze, and as those frozen pipes thaw it creates pressure inside your plumbing system, which can lead to cracked and even burst pipes. If you’ve noticed your lawn faucets and sprinklers aren’t quite doing their job this year, or if you’re chalking up your brown yard to the high summer temperatures, it’s time to consider if you have a leak. How can you check for this? Read on! 

Look for Visible Signs of a Leak

This is something you should check in the springtime when you turn your lawn faucets back into the “on” position with the warmer weather. But it’s not too late to check now. If you have an unfinished basement, pay attention to signs of drywall rot or stains as this can indicate leaks. See too if you notice signs of a leak around the pipes itself or the ceiling of your basement.

Next, when you turn the water off, look at the handle or spigot of your lawn faucet. Do you see water leaking or dripping? Please don’t ever assume this is normal! This water should not be leaking out and can cost you a lot more than you should be paying for your water bills.

Beware Other Signs of Plumbing Leaks

Whether it’s your lawn faucets, kitchen sink, sprinkler system, toilet, etc. there are a number of signs you can watch and listen for that indicate you have a leak. These include:

  • Cracks in Your Foundation: Slab leaks–that is, leaks below the foundational slab of your home–can create enough water accumulation and pressure that eventually the foundation of your home will show signs. It is natural for an older home to have some small foundational fissures, but if it seems unnatural to you, it’s worth calling in a professional plumber.
  • Increased Water Bills with no Explanation: Have you noticed your water bills rising, even though you haven’t been using any more water than usual? This is definitely a sign that you’re losing water somewhere.
  • The Sound of Running Water: Unless you live next to a creek or a river, you shouldn’t hear water trickling, rushing, or running if there are no plumbing appliances being used in your home. While the sound of running water can be soothing–pay attention! If this sound shouldn’t be happening when you hear it, it’s probably from a leak.

Established in 1912, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. is your trusted resource for a reliable plumber in Scotch Plains. Reach out to us today.

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