When a homeowner with a malfunctioning air conditioner wants to know what’s going on, nine times out of ten, they’re probably going to search online for it. Turning to the internet for help is common and hey, that’s probably how you ended up here.
Homeowners turn to the Internet for several reasons. First, they want to know if it’s something they might be able to fix on their own. Two, they want to know if it’s something they did out of neglect. And three, they want to get an idea of what’s wrong and how much it’ll cost to fix it.
It’s great to be a proactive homeowner and to try and understand what’s wrong with your system. However, we hope you’ll leave the necessary air conditioning service in Union to the pros if you realize the “fix” isn’t something as simple as changing the air filter.
Let’s go over the answers to the questions that brought you here. Here are 3 common AC issues and the problem, their symptoms, and the likely repair.
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