Holiday Season PSA: Clean Your Drains!

November 13th, 2023

Some estimates claim that during the Thanksgiving football game, 80 to 90 million toilet flushes occur in America within just the 20 or so minutes of halftime! Whether or not this is true, there is no doubt that holidays put a huge strain on plumbing systems.

Between guests flushing toilets, washing hands, and taking showers, and the major strain of all those holiday dishes being washed, the chances of a major drain blockage are extremely high during the holidays. How can you make sure you don’t need to call an emergency plumber on a holiday weekend? By having your drains cleaned first.

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How Gas Fireplaces Are More Efficient

October 16th, 2023

A wood-burning fireplace is romantic and lovely, gives your home a cozy atmosphere, and provides a place to warm your hands when you’re chilly. But it also creates a lot of mess: soot, ashes, sawdust, bits of bark. Is it worth it for that homey feel?

What if we told you that your wood-burning fireplace is also extremely inefficient? Spending a lot on wood for your fireplace and getting hardly any heat for your money is outrageous. Gas fireplaces are much more efficient. Here’s how.

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3 Ways to Detect a Sewer Clog

October 2nd, 2023

Your sewer line is a pipe that runs from your home to your municipal sewer line or your septic tank. It carries all the wastewater from your drains away from your house. This job is pretty important! As long as it’s working well, you never have to think about your sewer line or the unpleasant mess it deals with for you.

What if there’s a clog in your sewer line? It can lead to smelly, unsanitary, downright disgusting issues. Here are 3 ways to catch it before it gets that bad.

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3 Advantages of Choosing a Gas Fireplace

September 18th, 2023

You have no doubt admired gas fireplaces, whether in someone else’s home, at a hotel, or when you’ve seen them in TV shows and movies. They are absolutely lovely, and they make a space cozy and wholesome while still looking elegant and refined. A gas fireplace can give you the rustic atmosphere of a wood-burning fireplace, but it has additional advantages that make it even better. 

What are those advantages? There are many, but here are three of the biggest ones.

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How to Tell if Your Sewer Needs Cleaning

September 4th, 2023

Homeownership is hard! While it’s lovely to avoid negotiating with a landlord or worrying about whether you can put a hole in your wall to hang a picture, it also means that everything about your home is up to you. The roof leaks? Your problem. An appliance breaks down? Your problem. And some of the parts of your home can be pretty much invisible until something goes wrong. Your sewer line is out of sight and, as long as all goes well, out of mind. But sometimes it needs help. How can you tell that it’s time for sewer cleaning?

Like any home system, the key is knowing what signs to keep watch for. Once you know what would indicate a sewer line problem, you’ll be able to catch it right away, before anything terrible happens.

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6 Tips on Caring for Your Gas Fireplace

August 21st, 2023

A gas fireplace is an ideal way to add warmth, comfort, and ambiance to your home without the hassle of a wood-burning fireplace. Though your gas fireplace is pretty easy to care for, there are some steps you should be taking, and this is the perfect time of year to do it.

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Drain Cleaning Tools Every Homeowner Should Have

August 7th, 2023

There’s not much in homeownership that’s quite as frustrating as having a clogged drain late in the evening after the hardware stores close, especially if you have a kitchen sink full of dirty water and a pile of dishes that still need to be done. What can you do about the clog with only the things you already own? Well, if you’re prepared, there’s plenty you can do. Purchase these two simple things to have on hand for cleaning out your next drain clog, and you’ll be ready to tackle the problem yourself. 

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6 Signs You Need Boiler Service

July 24th, 2023

A boiler is a truly amazing system for heating your home. Boilers are extremely reliable, have longer lifespans than most other options like gas or electric furnaces, and have fewer mechanical components. Without as many moving parts, there aren’t as many ways that things can go wrong. But that doesn’t mean that your boiler will function perfectly forever. Even a fantastic heating system like a boiler occasionally encounters problems. Here’s how to tell that you need boiler service.

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Common Commercial Plumbing Issues

July 10th, 2023

Businesses require plumbing systems that are in tip-top shape not only to make their customers happy but to meet health codes as well. Commercial plumbing systems are much more complicated than residential plumbing systems. The sheer volume of pipes, valves, fixtures, and components that are needed to accommodate the huge amount of water volume and waste doesn’t even compare to what’s needed for a home. 

That’s why you can’t rely on just any plumbing company to tackle your business’s plumbing issues. You don’t want someone who isn’t familiar with complex commercial plumbing systems to try to repair a major plumbing issue and then make it even worse. 

When problems with your commercial properties arise, not getting them fixed immediately and adequately can result in major consequences. Buildings and businesses must meet certain standards and failing to do so can result in a lawsuit or an issue with permits if the plumbing isn’t fixed up to code.

Here are some common commercial plumbing problems that warrant a call to our team for commercial plumbers in Chatham.

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The Link Between AC Repairs and Tune-Ups

June 26th, 2023

Preventative maintenance is necessary for a lot of things. You get the oil changed in your car to prevent it from breaking down while you’re driving. You go to the doctor for annual check-ups to make sure things like your cholesterol level and blood pressure are where they should be. These things aren’t fun to schedule and take care of, but you do it anyway because you know it’s necessary for your safety and health.

Your HVAC systems also need preventive maintenance to avoid problems down the road. In order to try and avoid air conditioning repair during a heatwave, you get your AC tuned up in the spring before you start using it heavily. In order to enjoy the holidays with a working furnace, you schedule heating tune-ups in the fall. Or at least–you should be. Let’s go over the link between tune-ups and how they can prevent repairs.

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