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4 Ways to Get the Most from Your Heater

jets-of-a-furnaceWe heard it from Punxsutawney Phil himself—we have six more weeks of winter ahead! Okay, whether or not you believe in Groundhog Day predictions, the fact of the matter is that temperatures are probably going to stay chilly for a while, and you’re definitely going to need a fully functional heater to continue to keep you warm.

When we say fully functional, we mean just as powerful as it should be, in addition to as efficient as it should be. How efficiently your heater operates informs how much you spend on your heating from month to month, and who wants to pay more than necessary? The bad and the good news is, you might not be using your heater as efficiently as possible. Read on to learn 4 ways to potentially change that!

Replace Your Outdated Thermostat

The thermostat that allows you to control your heater and your air conditioner might seem like a really small device, but it has a big job! It may be tiny in comparison to the other components of your HVAC system, but it serves as the “brain” of that system.

This component is the one through which you communicate with your heater and air conditioner. Upgrading to even the most basic digital model of thermostat—or even better, a programmable or smart thermostat—can help you begin to enjoy more efficient and less costly comfort.

Keep Drafts Out with Weatherstripping

The heat produced by your furnace or transferred through your heat pump may have an escape route—drafty windows and doors. This means that you’ll lose energy that you’re otherwise still paying for. One idea to help prevent this is to invest in weatherstripping to seal up your windows and doors, effectively keeping the heat in your home in your home.

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

This might seem like a strange bit of advice to share during winter weather, but bear with us! Yes, in the summer, you would use your ceiling fans in combination with your air conditioner, and you probably noticed that this helps distribute the cooled air more effectively, right? This allows you to turn the thermostat up a few degrees, which helps the system work more efficiently and therefore saves you money.

This same principle can be applied to your heating system! And you can do it simply by using a switch near the center of the fan to reverse the direction of the fan blades. When the ceiling fan blades turn in the opposite direction, they pull heated air down from the ceiling into your living space, helping you feel warmer so you can turn the thermostat down and save some energy.

Don’t Skip Maintenance!

What’s that, you already did? Not to worry! Unless your heater has completely broken down and is beyond repair, it’s never too late for heating maintenance. In fact, when it comes to maintenance it’s actually consistency that matters more than timing.

For a furnace system, tune-ups should be scheduled every year. For heat pump systems, we recommend every 6 months. Aside from installing a high-efficiency furnace to begin with, regular maintenance is the best way to keep your heater efficiency high!

Established in 1912, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. is your trusted resource for reliable heating in Union, NJ.

Reach out to us today!

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