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Our Start of the Season Furnace Guide

Many homeowners in our community are beginning the heating season by turning on their powerful furnace systems. Furnaces produce heat by either burning gas or creating electrical resistance that heats up the air. The first time your furnace heats up the air for the season, you might encounter some strange events. From noises to odd smells, a furnace can go through some growing pains every season, and we want to be the team to walk you through them.

First of all, don’t hesitate to call us for furnace repair in Warren. If you think something is wrong with your furnace, even before you turn the system on for the season, then our team can help with targeted repairs. We have the training, expertise, and necessary equipment to provide fast and reliable repairs on furnace systems in our area.

For everyone else, keep reading!

The Odors of a New Heating Season

When you turn your furnace on for the first time this season, what do you smell? There are some odors that are fairly natural, while others signal a pretty huge problem brewing inside your system.

  • After turning on your furnace for the first time this season, you might pick up the smell of burning dust. This slightly unpleasant odor is perfectly natural, since it’s easy to assume that a lot of dust has settled on your furnace since the last time it ran. Make sure the air filters are cleared before running it to lessen the severity of this scent. It should disappear within a few minutes.
  • If the smell persists, or you smell the scent of rotten eggs, smoke, or a heavy burning odor, then there’s a problem. Anything beyond the slight smell of dust burning off your system signals that there’s something wrong. We urge you to shut the system off and contact our team if you pick up on some other foul odor.

Acceptable and Unacceptable Sounds

Pay attention to the noises that your furnace makes when you turn it on for the first time in the season. Some noises will be acceptable and others signal the need for repairs.

  • If you hear your air ducts creaking, that’s perfectly normal. Your air ducts likely haven’t felt hot air like this in a while. When the metal that makes up your ductwork heats up, the kinetic energy of it increases and it can expand. This is likely what you’re hearing when your furnace starts to work—the ductwork is expanding as it heats up.
  • If you hear your furnace booming, buzzing, or rattling, then you need to call us for help. These noises can signal a wide variety of problems occurring inside your furnace, but none of them are good. Sometimes, a booming or rattling noise can lead to a crack in your system that allows for hazardous fumes and smoke to enter your home.

It’s important to know the difference between a natural smell or noise, and a sign that you need furnace repairs. Our team can help you parse the differences when things are too complicated.

Established in 1912, Max Sr & Paul Schoenwalder Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, A Corp. is your trusted resource for reliable furnace repairs. Reach out to us today.

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